A solid-state drive (SSD), also known as a is solid-state disk is a solid state storage device that uses integrated circuit assemblies as memory to store data persistantly. SSD technology primarily uses electronic interfaces compatible with traditional block input/output (I/O) hard disk drives (HDDs), which permit simple replacements in common applications. SSD drives have no moving parts and run much more efficiantly than standard HDD’s. This allows for less power consumption and cooler operating temperatures. Benefits to end user of SSD drives are the use of NAND based flash memory incorporated into the drive. This is a non-volitile memory that retains all data when power is lost unlike Random Access Memory (RAM) which buffers and stores data as needed but is lost when the power is cycled or shut off. SSD’s compared to Standard HDD Drives boast up to 30% faster read speeds and and copy and write speeds anywhere from 200 – 500 Mb/s. SSD dirves are also built to run a minimun of 2 million hours and a standard hard drive May run half of that, slightly more in perfect operating atmosphere/conditions.
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